Important Notice:
As of October 2017, 3Cloud Networks Pte Ltd, has taken over operations and services of KKoncepts Ltd.
Find out more about 3Cloud Networks here.

KKoncepts Ltd
Technology with good Old-fashioned Customer Service
Secure Email
We offer only secure email hosting. We only transfer emails to and from you over encrypted connections, which means no one can read your mail between us and you. And while we can't control what anyone else on the internet does, we always communicate with other email servers through encrypted connections whenever they allow it.
This means that you can't accidentally send a message that can be read by everyone on the internet. We won't let you. And if your entire email domain is hosted with us, then you know that all communication among its members is secure and private.
The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a computer networking protocol that manages server authentication, client authentication and encrypted communication between servers and clients.
Contact us for more information, and we can discuss your needs.

Secure Web Hosting
We can help you with everything from simple web design to complex intranet development. We can help with Domain purchasing, DNS records management, SSL certificate purchase and installation, Hosting and Design.
We specialize in Open Source CRM packages like Drupal and Wordpress.
Please contact us, and we can discuss with you the best way to meet your needs.
Secure Virtual Machines
Want to run your own server, but worried about having to keep it updated regularly so you don't get hacked? We'll keep all the software up-to-date, and you can run the services you need in confidence. You can have any Operating System you want (as long as it's Linux) and any distribution you want (as long as it's Debian or Ubuntu).

Secure Backup
Whether it is your client or your server data, You can back-up your data with us on our own private cloud (Big Brother not watching or data mining).
Secure Support
Have a problem with a KKoncepts product? Click here to connect to our remote support site. From here you can securely contact a support representative, and they can connect to your machine (through an encrypted connection, of course) to help you set up our software or diagnose a problem. (Not that our products ever have problems, of course. But theoretically speaking...)
You can always email us at
Speaking of support, click here to see the KKoncepts' staff blogs. Find out what we're working on, what's troubling us, what our plans for the future are, etc. If you want to know all our secrets, the KKoncepts blog is the place to go.